Friday, January 11, 2013

Top 10

A Countdown of the Top 10 Hardest Things To Do On a Rolling Ship That are Easiest To Do on Land:

10) Sleep
Being "rocked" to sleep doesn't have the same appeal now as it did when I was a kid. Plus, we're rocking the wrong way. Instead of going back and forth, our beds are positioned so the rocking is up and down. It's like being on a surgical table, except we're not knocked out on anesthetics and we're not strapped in.

9) Writing
My handwriting has gotten worse. It looks like chicken scratch. Sometimes a big wave will come around and my handwriting with get big, then normal, then I'll try to compensate for the waves and it ends up looking really small.

8) Walking
Walking is not easy. That is all.

7) Opening Closet doors
Sometimes the waves are against you and it takes way more energy than necessary to open, and sometimes the waves are "with" you which makes the closet door swing open and announce to the world that it is in fact open.

6) Carrying stuff
Not possible when you have to rely on both your hands to brace yourself so you can get to your cabin or class in one piece. It's quite hilarious to see people try to keep their balance. Everybody is walking at an angle, which sounds like a great idea until the angle is no longer working with the way the ship is rocking. That's when crashing into people happens. Lucky guys don't need any pickup lines. They are literally running into girls.

5) Eating 
Today, my plum rolled off the table and the juice from my fruit did not leave any area on my plate untouched. 

4) Eating Nutella
The container MUST be on a hard surface. I have yet to take the Nutella out of my room, and tonight is the first night that I've broken it open. It tastes even better than I remember. I'm thinking about bringing it to breakfast and eating it on some toast, but I don't want to be bombarded. I'd like to make it to at least Hawaii in one piece.

3) "Tossing Cookies"
No matter how well your aim is.

2) Filling up your water bottle
Aside from the fact that the sensor on the water dispenser is demonic, filling up your water bottle when your hand is constantly moving side to side is quite the feat. It should be an olympic sport. I wouldn't be surprised to find that sometimes it'll take me 5 minutes to fill up my water bottle.

And for number 1...

1) Walking DOWN the stairs
I had absolutely no idea that it could be a bigger workout going DOWN the stairs than going UP the stairs. Thank goodness for handrails--that is all.

These may all seem like negative things, but they're quite entertaining if you really think about it. Also, this is happening on the MV Explorer aka the ship that is taking me around the world while I take classes. There's nothing to feel sorry about. Even puking, which I consider to be my biggest fear, doesn't seem as bad here as it does back home. Yesterday I said one and done, but I broke that rule today, so now I'm saying two and done. No more! 

Sending love from the middle of the ocean. 

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