Monday, January 14, 2013

Be Unreasonable

Last night really sealed the deal. This is by far the coolest thing that will ever, ever happen to me. 

The Unreasonable Institute hosted their first Fireside Chat last night (at 2115, go military time!), which is basically when Daniel Epstein (founder of the Unreasonable Institute) interviews one of the members of the team, which can either be an entrepreneur or mentor. 

First off, I should probably explain The Unreasonable Institute. Daniel Epstein calls himself an impatient optimist, which is basically what Unreasonable is based off of. A bunch of entrepreneurs from all over the world got together in Boulder, Colorado, with the intent on trying to solve the worlds most pressing problems. And now they're all sailing with us! I know there is a guy who is doing something in the water field, so I'm trying to find them. There are also a group of cousins on here who have developed noninvasive technology to help blind people see, someone has invented hearing aids that are solar powered, and there is also someone who is developing a robot that can successfully soak up oil spills. 

It's legit. 

Last night Daniel interviewed Hunter Luvins (sorry for the possible misspelling of the last name, I don't have access to google), who is Times Hero of the Planet. Um, yeah. That just happened. She is one of the mentors for the Unreasonable Institute, and she's fabulous! She grew up with Martin Luther King Jr. and Caesar Chavez sitting around her table. When Caesar Chavez boycotted grapes, so did her family. She talked a lot about how the progress that will be made in this world will come from the unreasonable people. The people who are willing to travel around the world by ship. The people who are willing to think outside of the box, and maybe even face failure a million and one times before they succeed. The people of the arts. The science people. The creative people. The statistic people. The expressionists. The one's who are passionate about something and fighting for it. 

I should also mention that the Prince of Saudi Arabia is one of the Unreasonable mentors. 

I should also mention that this lovely screenshot is from yesterday's Deans memo. 

What's that they say about denying and truth? Archbishop Desmond Tutu is already walking around this ship. I don't know how much more insane this experience could possibly get. 

As if last night wasn't fabulous, this morning I woke up, got dressed, went outside, and realized that I was severely overdressed in my pair of jeans. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and it was warm. And then it sprinkled, the sky was still blue, and then a legit rainbow sprouted out of the water and everybody oohed and awwwed. 

This is just the bare minimum of what has been going on. Hawaii tomorrow! The first day I think a bunch of us are just going to chill and possibly go to a store and get some things that we either forgot, or realized that we will desperately need sometime throughout the 3.5 months. For me, that's more snacks. We haven't even hit the hard part of the voyage where everything is unfamiliar and I'm already eating my Nutella and granola bars. I also broke down and got a smoothie this morning--I was going to at least try not to buy anything from Deck 7 until AFTER Hawaii, but I slept through breakfast this morning and decided that a smoothie was in order. The second day in Hawaii will revolve around more chilling, but a girl named Leana who knows Hilo really well is going to take me to get some local shaved ice (which is supposed to be heaven to the tastebuds) and the farmers market (which is supposed to be heaven in general). I'm excited! Mostly I'm just excited for land. 

Funny side note: today at the end of classes, professors said "See ya next time. Have fun in Hawaii!" 

I could get used to this. 

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