Friday, June 1, 2012


It's been a month since I've officially posted anything, but boy the ball has NOT stopped rolling.  Since the last update, I've visited the ship in San Diego, met with my school's study abroad office, officially paid my deposit, and am a confirmed participant who will be living somewhere on Deck 3 (if all goes as planned).  The more information that is released by SAS about Spring 2013, the better it keeps on getting.  Turns out there's going to be a tester program called Unreasonable at Sea during the S13 voyage, where some of the world's upcoming and leading entrepreneurs will be traveling with us on the MV Exploring, working with students on tacking some of the worlds biggest problems by coming up with sustainable and creative ideas.


The application process between SAS and Western was a bit of a hassle, but now comes all the paperwork...and finding the funding.  I thought about robbing a bank for awhile, but I don't think I have the chops to pull it off.  But it would make for a really good story when someone asks "So, how did you come up with money for SAS?"  In all seriousness, my summer will be spent working (hopefully), filling out scholarships and receiving them (hopefully), as well as (hopefully) winning the cash prize from the Monopoly game at Hagen.  And possibly robbing a bank.

In other completely related news, looks like S13 is leaving from Ensenada, Mexico now!  Kinda puts a dent in the roadtripping plans, but it could still work out.  It's my goal to say that I traveled the world and didn't fly on a plane.  Of course I'll have to fly home from Barcelona, but I'm not gonna count that one.  Unless I never return...

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