Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why I decided to join the blogosphere...

1) Because I've always wanted to.
2) Because I finally (semi) figured it out.
3) Because I'm at home sick and don't know what else to do...

But mostly because I want to go on a Semester at Sea, and this seems like the best way to inspire myself.  For those of you who don't know me, I've been researching Semester at Sea since I was a junior in high school, aka for the last 2 years.  I think I know everything there is to know.  I've read past blogs, I've emailed representatives, I've even emailed past participants!  All that's left to do is actually go on a voyage, which I'm hoping to do Spring 2013.

There's just a small problem...

A rather large one, actually.

Approximately $30,000.

I've done the first big step.  I've applied.  Well, almost.  I'm in the midst of applying.  Just need to finish up a few things and send in some transcripts.

So here's my plan.  Write letters.  Letters, letters, letters.  Possibly more letters than Noah wrote to Allie.  Letters to past particpants.  Letters to family (although that didn't work out too well last time...).  Letters to government officials who support studying abroad.  Letters, letters, letters.

It's just hard to figure out where to start.

But perhaps the greatest inspiration I have is not even something concrete, not even something like a memory or a web page (although has become one of my top 10 websites).  It's imagining the words "Welcome to the Spring 2013 voyage of Semester at Sea.  The world is your campus."

How cool is that?  Going to bed one night and waking up in another country?  Then going to bed and doing that FOURTEEN times over.  Yeah, it's worth it.

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