Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dreams vs. Reality

As of yesterday, it is officially 6 months until the MV Explorer will leave from Ensenada (or is it San Diego? That part is still confusing...), and hopefully I'll be on it.  I first set my sights on Spring 2013 when I was just beginning my senior year of high school.  Everything seemed so far away, it was still late 2011, I hadn't even graduated or passed my senior boards, I hadn't even finished my first semester of the year.  I thought I had all the time in the world to get things ready for Spring 2013.  But now it's 6 MONTHS until the voyage leaves, which gives me about 3 months to get all the funding together.  It's hard to push myself to fundraise and write letters and fill out scholarships when it all seems like an impossible dream.  After all, is it really possible for me to get the amount of money I need?  I had renewed hope when I logged onto my account to find that $3000 had been knocked off the overall cost, which I was able to manage by endless research and stalking a past participant whose blog I had followed during her voyage.  But now that I think about it, that is just a very, VERY, small amount of the overall cost...
I keep telling myself that nothing is going to happen unless I try, so that's all there's left to do.  Generally speaking, people weren't very supportive of my trip to Kenya, so I don't think I'll even try to rally people to support this amazing journey, which, if I'm being honest, is their loss.  

So here it goes.  If I write it down then it HAS to happen.  After all, that worked with Voldemort in Harry Potter, so it must work in real life.  I SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT I WILL TRY MY ABSOLUTE HARDEST TO MAKE SEMESTER AT SEA HAPPEN.  As Yoda once said, do or do not, there is no try.  Is that enough fantasy references for one day? I think so.  But really, I promise to try to dedicate at least 1 hour (preferably 2) a day looking for scholarships and other sources of funding.

  The end. Fin. Ciao. Adios.